Transforming Payments for aDecentralised World.
Airpay is a wallet payment gateway on the AirDAO Blockchain, enabling secure, Seamless, Transparent, and Decentralized Payments for Businesses, Freelancers, and Innovators.

Trusted by over 2kCommunity Members
Payment Integration
APIs for seamless integration into in-store and in-app payment systems.

Bulk Payouts
Simplify large-scale payouts.
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Invoice Payments
Allowing Freelancers to send, track, and receive payments securely, transparently, and efficiently.
Payment Method
Seamless Solutions for Modern Payment NeedsAirPay offers a suite of tools designed to simplify payments in the Web3 era. From invoicing to bulk payouts, our products empower businesses, freelancers, and individuals with secure, transparent, and scalable solutions.
Payment IntegrationIntegrate blockchain payments into your application for secure and efficient transactions.
Integrate AirpayBulk PaymentsSimplify large-scale payouts by sending payments to multiple wallets in a single transaction
Bulk PaymentsSmart InvoicingCreate and send professional invoices with built-in blockchain-powered payment tracking
Generate InvoiceDonationsSeamlessly integrate blockchain payments into your platform or store for secure, efficient transactions.
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Join the AirPay Community:
Together, We Build the Future of Finance
Our community connects innovators, businesses, and enthusiasts driving the adoption of blockchain-powered payments worldwide.
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